Beyond The Surface

There is a girl who is determined to look at the beautiful side of everything. She reacts against anything that is remotely negative, by standing up for what she believes in. There is a girl who is determined to do the right thing, and dreads the day were she makes the wrong decision. She hates conflict, but sometimes believes in things so much, so she will stand up for it anyway. It sometimes feels like she is dodging hail in a storm, while still trying to find the happy ending, the rainbow at the end of the storm.

There is a girl who loves people and tries her best to live life in her own way. She daydreams a lot, and loves laughing so hard with someone that she can’t stop, this happens more than you would think. Often the things she is laughing about are not even that funny. There is a girl who believes that anything is always more fun when she is with a friend. She is grateful for the life she has, but often feels bad that some people in this world aren’t so lucky. She is always trying to sympathize for other people’s situations, and then making you rethink your harsh judgement. There is a girl who is in love with finding the beautiful side of life. Dancing in the rain, watching raindrops race down windows in the car. She loves admiring the beauty and simplicity of daisies in nature, how they can grow where you least expect them. There is a girl who takes pride in remembering her friend’s birthdays, and surprising them with a thoughtful present. There is a girl who will literally set her alarm to get up early, so she can watch the sunrise of a new day, before collapsing into a deep sleep once again.

There is a girl who will wait for her favorite song on the radio, and dance with her sister for the 2-3 minutes that it plays, singing her heart out. Time seemed to stop in those minutes. The blissfully happy minutes while she are singing and dancing. She has found, at the time you don’t realize how precious they are. There is a girl who can not help but draw hearts and stars over any blank piece of paper she gets. She is far from a artist but doodles all over her math homework anyways. There is a girl who is all for long deep conversations and debating whether or not aliens are real. She loves talking. She is the one you come to with your problems, and is the person that smooths over disagreements. She is the person who will teach the family dog how to twirl, and giggle with joy every time he does it, since it’s just so cute.

There is a girl who will willingly go to bed at 8:30 and sleep until 11:00 the next day, because sleeping is just so amazing. There is a girl who is determined to succeed in life, and is taking every precaution to make that happen. She has everything planned out from how many kids she will have, to what her future cats will be named. She knows what she wants to do in life, and remembers that whenever something feels impossible, if there is a will there’s a way. There is a girl who will fall, and get back up even more determined that this time was the time she would overcome the obstacle. There is a girl that still can’t recall how to conjugate her Spanish verbs, but somehow remembers any date of the year that someone has told her. There is a girl who is determined to have everyone like her, and goes to extreme lengths to make this happen.

This girl is me.

I am the girl who probably gets hurt way too easily, worries about comments and things that don’t really matter. But then I stick by my opinion, and state it anyway. I am the girl who will write a to-do list just to end up not even looking at it. I will sometimes be so caught up in thought, that I will completely forget where I am and what I am doing. I am the kind of person that makes my dog a birthday cake, and then will sing happy birthday to him, and laugh as he looks so confused. I am the girl that talks too loud while telling stories to my family, and I am told to quiet down, because I am so excited. I am the person who freaks out about pop quizzes and then fails it since I didn’t plan it into my day. I am the kind of person who craves human contact, and quickly gets tired of being alone.

This is who I am, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

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