U Is for Used Store

I did U is for used store, but did the assignment P is for pub.

Watch people. Write about couples, groups and people on their own. Write about each person until you find something you want to keep writing about. Push yourself to write until you have said all you have wanted to say. Write because you really want to know what you have to say about this person or couple. Write until you discover something that surprises you.

Two ladies talk with each other as they shop for coats. One comments on how nice the leather is. Everyone seems very happy and want to talk with each other, or ask for second opinions. This larger women who is really tall, is leaving the store with a red haired girl. The red head must be in her early 20’s. She is laughing because she has bought the perfect dress, and now needs to shave her legs. This lady with blonde hair and some nice pants comes to the till, and seems to mull over her purchase. She isn’t quite sure if she should get this shirt. She asks the lady at the till and she seems to approve. She then tucks it away into a bag. At the back of the store there is this old lady. She is sifting through all the second hand jewelry. She moves some aside and then stares at a necklace, trying to decide whether or not she needs it. There is so many prom dresses here. Almost 4 racks full. So many people have worn that dress once, and never needed it again. It is all females in this store and they are all above the age of 40 at the moment. The fact that it is all females, really says something about used stores, and the stigma around them. The white haired women has finished going through all of the jewelry, and is now looking at the shoes. She picks one up and then has to search for it’s pair. This Asian women has come up to pay. I think she is a mother with kids based on her purchases. She has bought a stack of children’s books, and two pink boxing gloves. She looks happy with what she has picked out. She then leaves the store.

Next in line is a girl with a pink and black pattern on her shirt. She is buying clothes for someone she knows apparently. She says if they don’t like it she will just keep it for herself. The person that is scanning her items laughs with her. She has a florescent green wallet which I think says a lot about her personality. She then shows the lady the bright yellow purse she has found. She says that she loves it so much because of how colourful it is, and how many compartments it has. Everyone is so friendly with each other. This lady near the back of the store has discovered that all the jeans are 75% off. She is very excited about this and seems to amp up her thrift shopping game. This new lady walks dramatically into the store. She is wearing chunky heels and is obviously trying to decide on something. She walks up to the till and says that she needs to go to her car, and is coming back. I assume that she has forgotten her purse. A different woman has entered the stores premises. She has shaved part of her head and dyed the rest of it purple. She doesn’t seem like the second hand store type. She is on a mission and definitely knows what she wants to buy. She gets in the store and beelines for the leather jackets. The woman that left the store to go to her car has come back. She hasn’t forgotten her purse, but actually has brought her husband. A shorter man in his 50’s. She drags him over to a painting she likes, and promptly asks him how she likes it, and they both tilt their heads staring at it. Next this woman walks into the store and loudly shouts “MARIA” and heads to the back of the store. A woman answers her and they discuss some nice tops they have found. Everyone here has gone out of their way to talk to other strangers in the store. I am surprised on how everyone has been super friendly, and has wanted to help each other out. Second hand stores are a different type of shopping, and that was made clear when I observed how people interacted with one another.

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2 thoughts on “U Is for Used Store

  1. Dear Caprice

    I really liked how everyone had their own styles and characteristics that you mentioned that seemed very suspific to them. It showed the diversity you could find in a second hand store and that not just one type of women buys from there.

    It sort of seemed though that you needed to focus on one person and be very detailed about them sort of, and maybe like put in a little emotion into your tone in this piece, like what you felt about some of the people and what you speculated about them.

    Otherwise I really liked this piece all the different people were awesome, just knowing one piece of their life is strangly humbling.


    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my A-Z posts Iqra! I will review my writing and improve from your feedback!

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