B Is For Bamboo

I did B for bamboo and made up my own assignment.

Personify the bamboo plant. Look at the bamboo plant and imagine what it would say if it could talk. How has the bamboos life been? Has it had an eventful life or has it been stripped of its natural habitat, and put in a guidance counselor’s office? What type of gossip does it hear, and what secrets does it hold. How did it get to this school and does it like it here?

I am cooped up here in the guidance counselor’s office and I feel like I have never amounted to anything. Being a bamboo stalk is hard. You don’t get to do anything or have a job in life. My main job consists of photosynthesis. I make food for myself by collecting energy from light. I feel like I don’t get enough credit for this, so many people think so low of bamboo stalks. I think that is crazy. We grow leaves and have super cool stalks. I can be a bit full of myself. I have always been so grateful that I am not a dandelion. I have heard such low things about them. Apparently they grow everywhere and are pests. I am majestic and beautiful. A deep green with leaves that flower from my top. When I was about a year old I was taken from Northern Australia and moved to snowy Calgary. I remember the one time I went outside it was way too cold. Very unlike where I was born. My twin sister Blossom, the stalk beside me, feels a lot different. I have always been a bit upset that she was named Blossom. I am named Branch. When we first got to Calgary she had more leaves than me, so our leader named me Branch; and her Blossom. I have always been a bit jealous over that. I like to say that we are two different stalks, but that isn’t exactly true. We are connected by the roots, and I am cooped up in a vase with her all the time. I have always had blossom in my life, but she drives me crazy. She is so annoyingly optimistic, and never stops talking. She feels very differently about our situation. I think being a bamboo stalk is super boring. If I don’t make my life interesting I suffer from lack of greenness from depression. My sister likes to tease me about her being more green. I would prefer to believe she doesn’t know what she is talking about.

Our main hobby is to listen to conversations. My sister likes being situated in the counselor’s office since she lives for gossip. Living in the students counselors office you hear tons of gossip. Who has a sad life, or whose parents aren’t supportive of them. I always find it especially interesting when they mention the problems they have in the school. Being a stalk I don’t know that much about school and I find it so compelling to think medium aged humans can go to this building, and learn about stuff that is happening in the world. This one girl that comes to the counselors office everyday doesn’t feel the same way. I can never see her that well, since I am placed in the corner. I always know that if I don’t hear the entire conversation I can just ask my sister once our leader leaves. Our leader, the one that gives us water, always tried to help this girl. Saying that she is being bullied, and thinking that she needs to be involved. Having these kids come in and talk to our leader is the only sense of entertainment for me. It is kinda sad that this is the only hobby I have. The kids that I listen to, have lots of hobbies. I remember when I was back in the forest with my friends we could always gossip about each other. Who had caught the most light last week, or who has made the most sugar. I had always found that having more than one friend made my life a lot more fun. I like to believe that one time I will be taken back to my forest and reunited with my family and friends. It is these kind of memories that get me through my days. Even though I live a dull life I am thankful that I am not a dandelion. Despite me not being the greenest, or having the best living situation, I except myself for who I am, and how great of a stalk I have come to be. I will always wait for the day that they take me back to the forest and I will get to gossip again, instead of just listening to it. Until then my sister blossom and I will continue to enjoy our leaders conversations with the middle aged humans.

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