June Just Wants To Have Fun

Be sophisticated,

Be modest.

You shall not play baseball anymore!

It isn’t typical for a young girl to be so improper!

You are far from being a lady.

What a spoiled girl, always getting in trouble, they gossiped.

Why should one stop doing the activities they love to satisfy society?

June was never known for being particularly ladylike.

She saw no value in being a lady, when she could play baseball and hockey.

She worked at the local drug store, reading off prescriptions.

June was the kind of person that would get up at 4:30 in the morning on Mothers Day to sell daffodils.

She would tell customers, if you watered them they would be good until Christmas.

June always was known for her sense of humour.

Putting on roller skates to be more efficient, was how June rolled; using the old noggin.

She was always playing some sort of sport, and was friends with every single girl on the basketball team.

With a chuckle, June reminicents, she feels like those times were some of the most special in her life.

Working with her best friend at the drugstore never got boring.

June and Ann, Ann and June.

They were known as two peas in a pod.

Walking round the neighbourhood hand in hand, they would pass the drug store, and wave at the mailman doing his rounds.

He always acted like a gentleman, never failing to give his greeting.

Whenever they would miss a walk, he would send June a letter; wishing she was there.

She still sees him at the drugstore, now and then.

June was always a teenager that just enjoyed having a good time.

She saw great value in having fun and meeting new people.

She had always followed her heart, and was not afraid to break a few rules to do this.

Soon, June married a wonderful man.

She fell for him but it was a love not readily returned.

June was a lady that knew how to get her way, and was a quite successful because of this skill.

Born March 31st, 1928.

Two kids, Debrah and Leonard

Now both at her beck and call.

Lately, June and her son goes on long walks for ice cream.

Of course, she makes him pay, because it tastes better that way.

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4 thoughts on “June Just Wants To Have Fun

  1. Dear Caprice

    I thought that your poem was really beautiful, and I loved how you incorporated so much about her life in the poem I felt that, that really added to the poem and its theme and essence. I really loved the last line of the poem because it thought it really wrapped everything up nicely.

    Could you explain the reason behind you italicizing the entire poem? I just want to know if it is something you did artistically to add to the poem.

    I thought that this piece was really good, and I appreciated the fact that you used the poem as kind of like a memoir for June.


    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this Aliza! I am so glad you liked it. At the time when I was writing this I thought making the entire thing italicized would make it more meaningful. I have since changed this since I realized I didn’t like how it looked. Thanks again 🙂

  2. Dear Caprice,

    Woah! I love this piece!! It is truly incredible how you write your poems in such a way that is so intriguing and the way you described June’s past was spot-on! I absolutely love the ending of your poem where you said, “Of course, she makes him pay, because it tastes better that way.” This really makes me believe that this lady lived her life bending the rules of societal standards and living her life the way she wanted to live it. This piece was so fun to read; a smile was on my face the entire time! I could invision June living her life reckless, independant, and worth wild! It’s really difficult to portray the life of another, but you definitely nailed it!

    It was very difficult to find any errors or suggestions that you could use moving forwards, but as I was reading, I found that you forgot to add a word in the sentence, “It isn’t typical young girl to be so improper!” where you should add the word “for” after the word “typical”. Other than that, I thought that this was amazing!

    Thanks so much for sharing this poem with me; it was an absolute honour reading your work! I love reading your writing as it always puts a smile on my face! Keep up the great work!!

    Hiba 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Hiba! You are so sweet! I will fix that word, and I am glad that you enjoyed reading my writing!

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